Saturday, July 3, 2010

End of 2009 & Some 2010

*Jocelyn spilled frosty all over her face—I laugh my head off:
Joce: “MOM! Karen’s acting like I did something stupid!”

*A girl’s phone in class was bedazzled:
Krn: “What do you call it when someone does that?”
Mason Wimberly: “Obnoxious.”

*Andrew’s neighbor came by their house to drop of a ladder she had borrowed:
Andrew: “That sucker’s heavy!”
Jordan: “You picked her up!?”

*Walking on campus behind 2 girls writing down their convo:
Girl 1: “She said I have apple cheeks. What does that mean? I have fat cheeks?”
Girl 2: “NO! It just means that you have…round cheeks.”
Girl 1: “Round is another synonym for fat…”

Lizzy: “I feel like butter.”

Erica: “I wish I was mentally challenged so I wouldn’t have to take this test.”

*All 3 of us were an having awful, unproductive day—but we all had tests to study for:
Krn: (walks into apartment) “Did someone vacuum!?” (surprised)
Lizzy: “NO. Are you kidding!?”

*Girl at San Antonio Riverwalk walking next to river (no railing):
Girl: “Texting while I’m walking right here probably isn’t the smartest idea…”

Stuart Johnsen: (sarcastically) “I hear the pan handle is a great country to visit this time of year.”

Guy: “Desde cuando te fuistes…”

*Watching GoldenEye—all the people around the office were killed:
Zane: (pretending to be Natalya) “Why are all these people sleeping on the job?”

Tom McMullin: “He had more strength in his pinky finger than…”
(I look at Lizzy)
Krn: “Skadoosh…”

John: “What are you doing Saturday night?”
Krn: “I have to study!”
John: “You do?”
Krn: “Yeah, I have a huge essay test on Monday.”
John: “So, you’ll be studying ALL Saturday?”
Krn: “Yeah…”
John: “Continuously…?”
Krn: “Yeah.”


Maddie: I look cute ALL THE DAY.”

Maddie: “Momma, I happy.”
Jocelyn: “I’m happy too.”
Maddie: “I love me.”

*Maddie wanted to take a shower and went to find Grandpa:
Gary: “This is kind of kinky…she told me to take my clothes off!”

Jocelyn: “We have dessert too!”
Krn: “We do? …Oh yeah! Apple and Pimpkin pie.”

*Guy in front of us at movie theater:
Krn: “Yes balding mullet!”
Jocelyn: “There’s no business in the front.”
Krn: “He’s retired.”

*Helping Maddie cut her cheesestick:
Jocelyn: “Why didn’t you come help me?”
Krn: “I was over here cutting cheese.”

*Jocelyn and I looking at Twilight action figures (dolls):
Krn: “Oh my gosh! It’s 17 inches!!” That’s so big!”
Joce: “That’s like life sized!”

Zane’s roommate: “Want a beer?”
Clark: “It’s noon…”

Krn: “Jocelyn…There is no time like the present.”
Joce: “Karen, I don’t believe anything like that.”

*Waiting to turn a corner in the car, but distracted because we were talking about Cheetos:
Natalie: “I guess I could have gone...”
Krn: “Cheetos are more important.”
Nat: “Definitely.”

Gail: “Stop at Wendy’s.”
Gary: “Why?”
Gail: “Don’t ask any questions on this trip or you’re gonna be sorry!”
Krn: “Oh Snap!”

Maddie: “I’ve got bogey’s IN MY NOSE.”

Zane: “How bad are you…scolioted?”

Krn: “Why does he talk so loud when he’s on the phone?”
Jocelyn: “He’s a little deaf...”
Gail: “It’s because he’s a little hard of hearing.”
Jocelyn: (to Gail) “That’s what I just said…and apparently so are you.”

Scott Mills: “I’m going to go get a drink.”
Jenna: “Oh! Can you get me some?”
Scott: “No, I’m Okay.” (turns around to walk away…. then comes back a second later smiling)

*Random kid on campus talking to his friend:
Kid: (super excited) “I just found out…Pocohantas and John Ralph got married on my birthday!!”

Quotes from my Philosophy Professor- Robin Smith:
- “It’s a multi-purpose eraser…What I’d like to know is…What are the other purposes?”

- “I know I’m repeating myself a lot, but I’m saying the same thing over and over.”

- “The quick answer is, NO. The slow answer is Nooooooo….”

- “Disjunctions…they’re a tremendous pain in the….strategy.”

- “It’s really hard to go on forever… It takes forever!”

- “That’s what phones sounded like in the old days… when we had to kill our own Mastodons.”


*This is just a funny quote I saw on a talk show:
-Kevin Pollak Chat Show:
James Roday: “That little alarm that you have on the wall is going off that tells you when your guests are being TOO interesting.”

*Talking about what a bird thinks when it sees a freshly washed car:
Natalie: “OOOH! Shiny objects that are clean! LET’S DESTROY THEM!”


Jocelyn: “Miss Direction! Get it!?” (Mom’s new nickname after she gave us the wrong directions)

Spencer Oscarson: “Entre por favor. That was two languages and no accent.”

Krn: “We’re in a museum! I can do whatever I want!”

*Zane running over two armadillo in less than 2 hours

-“I be so lucky!”

-“I no like it!” (I don’t like it)

-“I no know!” (I don’t know)

-“Momma, what can I do for you.”

Gary: “Let’s take off that cold swim suit and put on some warm pajamas.”
Maddie: “That’s a great idea!”

Gary: “Maddie, this is strawberry milk. See these letters? S.T.R.A.W.B.E.R.R.Y. Okay? What is it?
Maddie: “Stawberry.”
Krn: “What is grandpa holding, Maddie?”
Maddie: “Pink Chocolate Milk.”

*Maddie banging on my door in the mornings:
Maddie: “Karen! I wanna come in there!!”

Maddie: (talking to Grandma) “Just get me some Pink Chocolate Milk and turn on Mickey Mouse…that’s all you have to do!”

Maddie: “Momma, this park is shaped like an octagon!”

Maddie: “Momma, what color are you today?” (means- what color are you wearing)

Clay: “Maddie, how sleepy are you?”
Maddie: “I’m a bit sleepy.”

Maddie: “It’s kind of chilly out here!”

*Maddie said something like ‘window’ while we were in the car:
Krn: “Window?”
Maddie: “No!”
Jana Emmer: “Do you mean Wendell, like a person?”
Maddie: “No….not Wendell like a person.”

*At church:
Maddie: “There’s no time for prayer!”

*Maddie throwing the hymn book at Clay’s foot*


At Blockbuster: DVD sale- 5 for $20.00
Emily Emmer: “3 dollars and 50 cents each!”

*Camille calling to get her old job back:
Call #1: Hangs up extremely fast
Call #2: Says she has the wrong number

Emily: “What’s not normal….That’s what I want!”

Stuart Johnsen: “I went to Fudruckers 3 times this meat…” (MTS- week)

1 comment:

  1. Karen!!! so good! This must have taken forever... I just read all of it!
    There are some really funny quotes from jocelyn in there... I like it a lot.
