Saturday, July 3, 2010

2009 Continued...

Krn: “She’s so old!”
Gail: “She’s old? Did she use to be young?”

*Natalie writing on a CD for Kristin Sellers:
-Natalie wrote Dics 1 (then changed it to Disc)
Krn: "DICS!"

Natalie: “The pause was the best part.”
Krn: “The pods?”
Nat: “Pause…”
Krn: (lifts up hands) “Paws?”

*President Uchtdorf spitting during a talk:
Jocelyn: “Did he just lose a tooth?”

Natalie: “I don’t remember the last time I went on Facebook…lol. I mean Myspace. Facebook…um…ten minutes ago.”

*In English class- picture in the slide show of a King sitting on a throne (I had just got a 92 on my test-- my friend's grade wasn't as high):
Krn: "What's behind his head? A hat?.... What's that maroon thing?"
Brandon Pichanick: "It's the chair.... 92. 92!!!! Really!?"

Gail: “Maddie, say cheese!”
Maddie: “Cheese!”
Gail: “Say hot dog.”
Maddie: “Woof Woof!”

Erica Brevard: “I really like your skirt!”
Krn: “Yeah, me too! You look really cute today.”
Sarah Klonower: “It’s been know to happen.”

Krn: “Look at that guy running!” (lol)
Zane: “Sometimes your arms just get tired.”

*Easter Sunday:
Gary: “We should have rabbit for dinner.”
Gail: “Why don’t we just have bunn…Can someone pass the orange juice?”

Ryan Lyman: (smells armpit) “You know…Actually, it smells kinda good.”

*Erica undid the button on her pants during a meeting (Heather Lyman and I saw her do it):
Erica: YES. I did.

Krn: “Taylor, you remind me of a vocab word right now.
Taylor: “Vacillate??”
Krn: “YES!”

Krn: “We have hours left. HOURS! Hours upon hours, upon hours.”

Ryan Lyman: “You know that guy from Transporter who does all those car tricks?”
Krn: “He’s amazing…”
Ryan: “I make him look like a child.”

Alex Plemons: “We should go above and beyond on this project because we know how well that’s worked in the past.”

*Weird noise coming from outside:
Krn: (listening) “OH! A plane.”
Natalie: “Dinosaurs?”

*Ryan’s grill was stolen
Ryan: I would offer my grill, but it’s being used somewhere else…by someone else…”

*After watching a Talent Show
Erica Brevard: “I realized today…I’m not talented.”

*Serving ice-cream at a church event
Lauralee: “Ryan made a mess. I know it was him because he’s the only Idiot who used strawberry.”

*Natalie’s white purse sitting on the ground:
Andrew Creel: “Whose gym bag?”

Erica Brevard: “My name means Royalty.”
Krn: “My name means Pure.”
Katy Ralston: “Mine too! Wait, what’s your name?”

Erica: “I can’t wait to make fun of them tonight.”

Gail: “We need to get milk today before Dairy gets home.” (Dad +Gary= Dairy)

Gail: “Karen, stop knocking my phone off, Foot Off….SHOE OFF!!”

Zane: “Do not feel enjoy.”

Zane: “That’s a NO.”

*Hear door-bell—no one gets up:
Gail: “Was that the door?”
Jocelyn: “Yes.”
Gail: “Who is it?”
Jocelyn: “Well, I couldn’t say…”

Gail: “Let’s blow up some refreshments, then we’ll watch another episode of Psych.” (MTS- blow up some fireworks)

Krn: “Did you see that lady with the super red hair over there?”
Jocelyn: “Yes…”
Krn: “Well, I might have taken a picture of her…”

*John Ivers wearing a shirt that says ‘Las Vegas’:
John: “So… where are you guys from?”

Matt Moser: “I think I put all my energy into NOT looking tired.”

Krn: “I forgot to chew. I just swallowed an entire potato chunk.”
Gail: “Why? Are you really hungry?”

Breanna Stutz: “We just pounded about the War in Heaven.”


Krn: “Oh! I need a pen.”
Zane: “I have one.”
Krn: “Yeah, but I need one that I can keep.”
Zane: “Well, you can use this one (hands me the pen) You can’t keep it.”

Zane: “I still want that back.” (waiting for me to finish writing)

Zane: “Karen, hurry! (takes pen from me) It’s mine.”

*Almost out of gas in the middle of no-where:
Zane: “If our car stops, my disappointment will be palpable.”

Zane: “I’m outraged! (pounds fists on table) But not very.”

*At World Championship- Snowmobile Watercross- Someone had a Dora Tent set up:
Jocelyn: “You know what I forgot to bring?”
Krn: “No, what?”
Joce: (sarcastically) “My Dora tent.”
Krn: “You have a Dora tent?”
Joce: “Really Karen…Really?”

Clark Johnsen: (in cold water) “I’m not shivering. I’m flexing!”

Clark: “Live your life!”
Grandma Johnsen: “To the fullest!”

Clark: (singing like Britney Spears) “My hunger’s got the best of me!”

Clark: (pretends to cry) “This hot dog is SO good!”

*Lifejacket brand: SWS
Krn: “I wonder what that stands for…”
Clark: “SaltWater Sweaters.”

Guy: “Where was Dad born again? Mocha Frappiccino?” (Mora)

Guy: “I have to go to the bathroom so bad, that walking is KIND OF a trial.”

Guy: “I was about to take another bite and my body was like, ‘NO NO NO!...No More!”

Guy: “My stomach just gave me an ultimatum…If you eat this, there will be consequences”

*Jocelyn used poison ivy as toilet paper:
Jocelyn: “I think I got poison ivy on my butt.”
Guy: “Show me….I see A bite.”
Joce: “I have like fifty!”
Guy: “You got attacked.”

Jocelyn: “Everyone pray for my butt.”

Gary: “Isn’t this rhubarb pudding the best thing you’ve ever had?
Guy: “Not as good as you, dad.”

Guy: “It was his time…so we shot him.”

*Air conditioning was slightly broken and extremely loud:
Guy: “Is there a combat helicopter hovering above our house?”

*Niece trying to eat off my plate:
Krn: “Maddie, everything that is on my plate is on your plate. That’s a fact….Except I have corn. SO I lied.”

Natalie: “We got these jackets from HP last year. Could they have picked an uglier color?”
Krn: Yes homo….HOBO!”

Jocelyn: “It’s like the great Justin Timberlake says, ‘Cry Me a River’.”

*Watching The Mummy Returns at the Christiansen’s:
Ashlen: “Hey mom, a scary monster, mom.”

Natalie: “Is that thunder?”
Krn: “Yes. Was it raining earlier? Wait, you were sleeping….Yes it was.”

*Kid getting up in the middle of class:
Professor Chen: “This isn’t a marketplace. You can’t just come and go as you please.
Random kid: “I have really bad gas…”

*We were late for a movie & Theresa Ricker was washing her hands slowly:
Jocelyn: “Hey nursing school…Let’s go!!”

*Looking at a Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs display:
Jocelyn: “Those meatballs look like clouds….because they are clouds…”

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