Monday, September 27, 2010

Summer 2010

These are just a few quotes that have been saved in my drafts folder on my phone, so I might as well just post them.

*Walking in Central Park-- we walked by a dropped pacifier
-Clark wrote a haiku about it:
"Oh, pacifier,
Completely forlorn and lost.
What baby dropped you?"

Clark Johnsen: "Yes yes yes! Correct correct correct!"

*Clark and I took a picture together:
Clark: "Oh! That is cute! I'll have to put it on facebook."
Clark & Karen (same time): "TAG!"

Gail Johnsen: "It gets kind of cold in there, so you might need a sweaty."

Natalie Kunkel: "I feel sick. I shouldn't have had that juice. (whispers) Two cups..."

Jocelyn: "Maddie, guess what! Chantelle is pregnant! She has a baby in her tummy."
Maddie: "I don't like it when Chantelle eats babies."

Zane Johnsen: "I'm not being belligerent. I'm just barking orders."


  1. Karen!! This is so fun that you are doing this. All our favorite moments will live forever!! Love youl.
